Sound language
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Kitten rearing
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Cat training

When do you need to start training?
Many believe that the training of cats is an absolutely impossible thing, because these animals simply do not give in to any exhortations. However, this is not the case, and the training of cats at home is quite possible if we approach this correctly.
You can begin to train the animal at the age of 7-8 months. At this time, the cat or cat is already old enough to truly understand your requirements and try to fulfill them.
The training of kittens should not begin without any reason: the animals must first be observed properly in order to understand what inclinations they have, what games they like, and therefore what tricks will be easier to learn. For example, if a kitten likes to wear its toys in its teeth, then it can be taught in the same way to bring objects thrown by you. And if a kitten loves to jump on different objects, you can easily teach him to jump on your shoulder or jump over barriers. Having determined the tendencies of the animal, one can begin the training with the help of constant rewards, strengthening and developing each quality.
How to train a cat?
Immediately remember that the training of cats at home is incompatible with coercion. You can never make a cat do what it does not want or does not like, so immediately give up those tricks to which your pet does not have a soul. Also, the training of cats will be impossible if the animal does not trust you or does not like you – it simply does not want to obey you, and it will also be impossible to “bribe” the cat with food.
As for the trainings themselves, they must be carried out in stages, and the most important quality of the trainer must be patience: sometimes for training it is enough just to wait for the cat to perform the action you want and at that very moment to pronounce the appropriate command. The cat must remember the sound of the action and its course, after which it must be encouraged.
Also, the training of cats implies constant and mandatory praise – these animals love to be praised, and this can often arouse their desire to carry out commands over and over again.
How to teach a cat various tricks?
As a rule, the training of cats comes down to teaching them fairly simple commands – “come to me!”, “Sit!”, “Give me the foot.” The first command to teach a cat is the easiest – it always answers the call, if it knows that it will be given something pleasant, so start training your pet with feeding appeals. In this case, you need to talk fun and easy, be sure to call the cat by name. As soon as the pet appears, put food in her bowl. After the cat gets used to this, the team “to me” can be worked out in other situations – in this case weasel will act as a reward.
The “sit” command needs to be trained patiently. Put the animal on the floor and wait until it wants to sit down, then immediately say the command. When the cat responds correctly, give her a treat, but if she stubbornly remains standing, press her hand on the back of her body, as if urging her to sit down and repeat the command.
It is possible to teach a cat to give a paw after it learns to execute the “sit” command. When the animal is sitting, take one of the front paws and say the command: “Give the foot!” – then immediately encourage the cat. The exercise must be repeated until the cat independently begins to put the foot in your palm.
Also, the cat can be trained in the teams “Stand!” (block the path of the animal with your hand and say the command) and “Bring!” (start with the items for which the cats will most likely run), as well as jumping through the hoop. In addition, you can train the cat with the help of other teams and tricks, but do not overdo the animal. Sometimes it is better to postpone training for a while so that the cat does not develop an aversion to exercise.

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