Cat training
When do you need to start training? Many believe that the training of cats is an absolutely impossible thing, because these animals simply do not give in to any exhortations.…

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Ginger cat
Ginger cat: a sign of happiness Even in ancient times, it was believed that the red cat is the support and hope of all the suffering and sick. It was…


Cat in the house: how it affects the upbringing of the child?
Statistics show that in every second apartment there are pets, and these data do not include the private sector, where there are even more such animals. Many people just need…


Abyssinian cat
The Abyssinian cat is remarkably similar to the images of cats that can be seen in ancient Egyptian frescoes. Therefore, many breeders like the legend that these cats are descendants…

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small kittens

How to choose a breed

How to choose a cat?
This decision must be serious! Therefore, if you are wondering how to choose a cat, you should pay attention to several aspects at once. The first one is to decide what you are buying an animal for. If you are just acquiring a pet, you may not be too concerned about which cat to choose – it is enough to find a beast that you just fall in love with at first sight. If your goal is exhibitions, medals and breeding kittens, then you only need a pedigree cat, and you decide which breed of cats to choose. The first category of kittens can be sought from friends, in animal shelters, as well as in the markets, the second – from professional breeders and in the respective clubs. Continue reading

Games and toys
Kittens games Any owner of a kitten knows that a game for kittens is all! Kittens are always very mobile and just need to lead an active life, so the…


Feeding the cat
Proper nutrition of the cat In all conditions, the cat's food must be organized with the utmost care. This implies that the cat's diet should necessarily include natural ingredients, and…


Childbirth and help at birth
Childbirth at a cat: preparation The birth of a cat is an event that is important not only for itself, but also for its owner. And it depends on you…
