Preparation for the exhibition
The first exhibition is always an exciting event. The owner has a lot of questions, because you need to take into account every little thing. Where do you start your…

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Raising cats
How to raise a cat? First of all, remember the most important thing: raising cats requires patience and sincere love. Upbringing must assume a constant - friendly, but persistent! -…


Preparation for the exhibition
The first exhibition is always an exciting event. The owner has a lot of questions, because you need to take into account every little thing. Where do you start your…


Shows of cats, cats and kittens: to be or not to be?
Almost every owner of a pedigree cat thinks at a certain moment: “Shouldn't we go to the exhibition?”. But the majority rejects this thought, because with it a lot of…

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paw pads

Shows domestic mongrel cats

Most of the cats living with a person under the same roof are courtyards of the Murka who do not have any documents and regalia. However, the stars of the feline world, the owners of prestigious titles and brilliant cups are purebred lucky women whose pedigree their owner can envy. Are our Vaska and Alice less worthy of attention than pedigree cats? Of course not! And in confirmation of this, almost all felinological organizations regularly hold exhibitions of domestic cats, so that their owners have the opportunity to show baleen noblewomen in all their glory.
Why do we need exhibitions of purebred cats? Continue reading

Care for a pregnant cat

How long does pregnancy last in cats?
Definitely, the question of how long a pregnancy lasts in cats cannot be answered. The term can fluctuate within 9 weeks, and for long-haired breeds the pregnancy of a cat lasts longer than for short-haired ones: in the first case it is usually 63-72 days, in the second – 58-68.
In addition, the gestation period in cats also depends on the number of kittens: if there are more than five, then the birth may be early, but if it is less, the time is on the contrary delayed. It is considered normal that a cat’s pregnancy may take a week, but if kittens are born a week earlier than expected, they may not survive. Continue reading

White cat

A pure white cat is magic! So consider not only modern happy owners of such animals – even our ancestors were sure of it. Already in ancient Egypt, white cats were especially honored, considering that it was they who best of all helped people whose lives were associated with risk and heavy physical exertion. In addition, at different times, white cats were considered the personification of purity (both physical and purity of thoughts) and integrity.
With regard to external features, the white cats – is a sample of the purest colors, which are respected and admired at all times. Continue reading

Kitten rearing
Kitten rearing: first steps From the very first moments of the appearance of a kitten in your home, you must clearly understand what exactly it can do and what it’s…


Sound language
Why does it say "meow"? Despite the fact that the cat expresses most of its emotions with the help of gestures and facial expressions, this animal is still not deprived…


Sound language
Why does it say "meow"? Despite the fact that the cat expresses most of its emotions with the help of gestures and facial expressions, this animal is still not deprived…
