Mekong Bobtail
Legends about the cat's mysterious adventures of incredible beauties and beauties with dark muzzles, legs and tails, guarding the treasures in the temples and palaces of the Ancient City (Siam),…

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Cat in the house: how it affects the upbringing of the child?
Statistics show that in every second apartment there are pets, and these data do not include the private sector, where there are even more such animals. Many people just need…


Kitten rearing
Kitten rearing: first steps From the very first moments of the appearance of a kitten in your home, you must clearly understand what exactly it can do and what it’s…


Kitten rearing
Kitten rearing: first steps From the very first moments of the appearance of a kitten in your home, you must clearly understand what exactly it can do and what it’s…

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Care for a pregnant cat

How long does pregnancy last in cats?
Definitely, the question of how long a pregnancy lasts in cats cannot be answered. The term can fluctuate within 9 weeks, and for long-haired breeds the pregnancy of a cat lasts longer than for short-haired ones: in the first case it is usually 63-72 days, in the second – 58-68.
In addition, the gestation period in cats also depends on the number of kittens: if there are more than five, then the birth may be early, but if it is less, the time is on the contrary delayed. It is considered normal that a cat’s pregnancy may take a week, but if kittens are born a week earlier than expected, they may not survive. Continue reading

Black cat
The origin of the black cat A cat with this extraordinary color has long been considered an integral attribute of any magician or witch. This is not surprising, because the…


History of cats in the East
History of cats in the East: the ancient does not happen? It is known that the domestic cat originated from Egypt, but according to some theories, this animal came from…


Gray cat
Gray cats: the mystery of true silver Silver-gray coat color of cats is rarely called banal gray: as a rule, it is called blue, although, of course, there are several…
