Choosing a cat by character
Today in the world there are more than two hundred very different breeds of cats, which differ in the most diverse colors and behaviors. Sometimes, in order to make the…

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Care for a pregnant cat
How long does pregnancy last in cats? Definitely, the question of how long a pregnancy lasts in cats cannot be answered. The term can fluctuate within 9 weeks, and for…


Mekong Bobtail
Legends about the cat's mysterious adventures of incredible beauties and beauties with dark muzzles, legs and tails, guarding the treasures in the temples and palaces of the Ancient City (Siam),…


Feeding the cat
Proper nutrition of the cat In all conditions, the cat's food must be organized with the utmost care. This implies that the cat's diet should necessarily include natural ingredients, and…

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White cat

A pure white cat is magic! So consider not only modern happy owners of such animals – even our ancestors were sure of it. Already in ancient Egypt, white cats were especially honored, considering that it was they who best of all helped people whose lives were associated with risk and heavy physical exertion. In addition, at different times, white cats were considered the personification of purity (both physical and purity of thoughts) and integrity.
With regard to external features, the white cats – is a sample of the purest colors, which are respected and admired at all times. According to the standards, the fur of such cats should not have any impurities or shades of color, as well as blotches and spots, although the kittens are allowed to mark any color on the head, since such specks disappear over time.
A special place among snow-white cats is occupied by white cats with blue eyes: they are considered to belong to the deaf breed. Indeed, such animals most often have a timid temper, since they have hearing impairments. However, this does not always mean complete deafness. In addition, scientists have shown that only 5% of white cats are really born deaf, and the rest quite well hear their owners.
Also among the cats of white color there are also albinos – this is a white cat whose wool has become snow-white due to the absence of pigmentation. As a rule, such cats also have reddish eyes.
Breeds of white cats
Many of us have probably seen an advertisement in which the Angora kitten appears (the breed is Turkish Angora). This is a white fluffy cat, characterized by very long hair and bright, expressive eyes, which can be not only blue, but also copper and even … dark orange! Sometimes there are also breeds of white cats with eyes of different colors (called Odd Eyed White).
In general, the dominant white color can occur in different breeds. For example, white Oriental Oriental cats are particularly notable, and by the way, they most often have expressive blue eyes. Also, a similar shade can be characteristic of the Persian breed, but in this case, a golden-smoky shade, as a rule, is added to the white. However, there are also pure white Persian cats with blue eyes – this is a very rare species of breed, and it is extremely highly valued by connoisseurs, since it is very difficult to get such a cat. The nose and paw pads of such cats are delicate pink.
White cat: care features
It is clear to all that white-colored cats need more thorough care than other animals, since the white wool gets dirty much more than other colors, and on its background dirty eyes and ears are perfectly visible. However, regular combing and bathing is not all. As already mentioned, such animals may have problems with hearing, so attention to them should be increased. Deaf cats are able to respond to the call of the owner, feeling the vibrations of the air or seeing your emotions, so many may not even suspect that their white cat is actually deaf.
However, even if it seems to you that your white cat hears you perfectly, you can’t let her go outside alone, and also give her the opportunity to escape. Outside your safe home, such an animal can quickly die when it gets under the wheels of the car, because it may not even hear its approach. And if you take care of such a cat well, it may well give healthy offspring, who will be fine with hearing.

Sound language
Why does it say "meow"? Despite the fact that the cat expresses most of its emotions with the help of gestures and facial expressions, this animal is still not deprived…


Ginger cat
Ginger cat: a sign of happiness Even in ancient times, it was believed that the red cat is the support and hope of all the suffering and sick. It was…


White cat
A pure white cat is magic! So consider not only modern happy owners of such animals - even our ancestors were sure of it. Already in ancient Egypt, white cats…
