Caring for a cat after giving birth
Cat after childbirth: watch carefully The postpartum period of any cat begins immediately after all the kittens were born. The cat after childbirth is usually relaxed and sleeps a lot,…

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Chausi (home reed cat)
Chausi (hauzi) is one of the largest cat breeds. Its name comes from the Latin name of the jungle cat - Felis chaus nilotika, who lived in South Asia and…


Black cat
The origin of the black cat A cat with this extraordinary color has long been considered an integral attribute of any magician or witch. This is not surprising, because the…


Care for newborn kittens
Newborn kittens: care properly Caring for a newborn kitten is perhaps no less a matter of responsibility than caring for a baby! When a kitten is born, it is blind…

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make sure

Raising cats

How to raise a cat?
First of all, remember the most important thing: raising cats requires patience and sincere love. Upbringing must assume a constant – friendly, but persistent! – attention to your pet. Therefore, the task of the owners – in any case not to shout at the beast, and explain to him what to do is impossible.
This is especially true of wayward breeds of animals, which may be offended at the cry and even then take revenge on the offender, so, for example, the education of Scottish cats or the education of Siamese cats should be very careful, balanced and careful. Continue reading

Ginger cat
Ginger cat: a sign of happiness Even in ancient times, it was believed that the red cat is the support and hope of all the suffering and sick. It was…


Care for bare cats
Owners of cats without hair always think that their pet has one major advantage over other members of the cat family - there’s almost no need to take care of…


10 reasons to take a cat from a shelter
So, you decided to have a cat at home. You would like to change the habitual way of life in the direction of a small chaos. Fur mice and bows…
