European shorthair cat
There is an opinion that European cats originate from Egyptian cats, which, in due time, were brought by Roman legionaries first to Italy, and from there the cats spread throughout…

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British shorthair cat
What qualities are strongly associated with the Victorian era? Most likely, this is aristocracy and power. For many people, the British Shorthair cat has the same associations. And this is…


Cats in history: the secrets of the ages
The fact that we owe the appearance of cats to Ancient Egypt is almost not a secret to anyone. This country is officially considered the birthplace of these wonderful animals,…


Feeding the cat
Proper nutrition of the cat In all conditions, the cat's food must be organized with the utmost care. This implies that the cat's diet should necessarily include natural ingredients, and…

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serious breeding

Chausi (home reed cat)

Chausi (hauzi) is one of the largest cat breeds. Its name comes from the Latin name of the jungle cat – Felis chaus nilotika, who lived in South Asia and Vietnam, and also met in the region of Turkey and the Caspian Sea. For a long time this breed was considered wild, and it was possible to meet in 25 countries of the world. Almost anywhere she lived in a human dwelling, although she often came very close to him. Only a century later, scientists managed to breed such a breed as a domestic reed cat, and it is his ancestors who live in the homes of many cat lovers today.
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Cats of rare colors
Coloring cats: the most incredible options Thanks to constant crossbreeding and various experiments, felinologists managed to bring out a lot of feline colors, many of which look simply amazing and…


Ginger cat
Ginger cat: a sign of happiness Even in ancient times, it was believed that the red cat is the support and hope of all the suffering and sick. It was…


Games and toys
Kittens games Any owner of a kitten knows that a game for kittens is all! Kittens are always very mobile and just need to lead an active life, so the…
