Bengal cat
Bengal cats are a unique breed, obtained by a hybrid way. In the forests of India, China, Thailand, and the Philippines, Felis Bengalensis has long been living - animals from…

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Raising cats
How to raise a cat? First of all, remember the most important thing: raising cats requires patience and sincere love. Upbringing must assume a constant - friendly, but persistent! -…


Ginger cat
Ginger cat: a sign of happiness Even in ancient times, it was believed that the red cat is the support and hope of all the suffering and sick. It was…


Story of unusual cats
The history of unusual cats: the treasures of the world Anyone who is interested in such a question as the history of unusual cats, first of all receives information about…

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What is castration?

Castration – termination of sexual activity by removing reproductive organs. The most common and reliable method of castration of cats is the surgical removal of the testes – a simple procedure that lasts about 20 minutes. The operation is performed under anesthesia, the animal does not feel any pain. The doctor makes a small incision, leads the testes out and cuts them off. In most cases, the surgeon does not even suture.
There are alternative ways of castration of cats (which are inherently sterilized, but among owners it is common to call castration all types of cessation of sexual activity of dogs and cats), less common and, according to some, not so safe. Continue reading

Cat training

When do you need to start training?
Many believe that the training of cats is an absolutely impossible thing, because these animals simply do not give in to any exhortations. However, this is not the case, and the training of cats at home is quite possible if we approach this correctly.
You can begin to train the animal at the age of 7-8 months. At this time, the cat or cat is already old enough to truly understand your requirements and try to fulfill them. Continue reading

Raising cats

How to raise a cat?
First of all, remember the most important thing: raising cats requires patience and sincere love. Upbringing must assume a constant – friendly, but persistent! – attention to your pet. Therefore, the task of the owners – in any case not to shout at the beast, and explain to him what to do is impossible.
This is especially true of wayward breeds of animals, which may be offended at the cry and even then take revenge on the offender, so, for example, the education of Scottish cats or the education of Siamese cats should be very careful, balanced and careful. Continue reading

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Shows domestic mongrel cats
Most of the cats living with a person under the same roof are courtyards of the Murka who do not have any documents and regalia. However, the stars of the…


Cat and other pets. How to keep peace in the family?
It is great when a person loves animals so much that he doesn’t have one pet. But in order to preserve peace in the family, all pets should, if not,…


Games and toys
Kittens games Any owner of a kitten knows that a game for kittens is all! Kittens are always very mobile and just need to lead an active life, so the…
