Caring for an old cat
Old cats: special care If your cat has reached old age, she definitely needs to pay special attention. Like an elderly person, such an animal needs peace and quiet, as…

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The weirdness of cats
Cats: oddities and secrets Threw the cat from the chair - ruined karma. This saying is common today in many countries of the world, and this is not a joke…


Shows of cats, cats and kittens: to be or not to be?
Almost every owner of a pedigree cat thinks at a certain moment: “Shouldn't we go to the exhibition?”. But the majority rejects this thought, because with it a lot of…


Caring for an old cat
Old cats: special care If your cat has reached old age, she definitely needs to pay special attention. Like an elderly person, such an animal needs peace and quiet, as…

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cat itself

Childbirth and help at birth

Childbirth at a cat: preparation
The birth of a cat is an event that is important not only for itself, but also for its owner. And it depends on you at this moment whether your pet will easily give birth, and whether she and her kittens will suffer in this process either.
Helping a cat in childbirth begins with the preparation of the place where the “nest” of the young “family” will be in the future. To do this, choose either a special cat’s house, or just a clean cardboard box, which at the same time should not have any odors and be spacious enough. The walls of the box should be high, on top of it you need to cover the lid, and at the level of the chest of the animal you need to cut through a convenient entrance so that the cat can easily climb into its shelter. Continue reading

Care for newborn kittens
Newborn kittens: care properly Caring for a newborn kitten is perhaps no less a matter of responsibility than caring for a baby! When a kitten is born, it is blind…


Chausi (home reed cat)
Chausi (hauzi) is one of the largest cat breeds. Its name comes from the Latin name of the jungle cat - Felis chaus nilotika, who lived in South Asia and…


How to teach a kitten to the toilet
Teaching a kitten to the toilet Kitten sellers often boast that the kitten you buy is accustomed to the pot, but in fact, teaching the kitten to the toilet turns…
