Cat training
When do you need to start training? Many believe that the training of cats is an absolutely impossible thing, because these animals simply do not give in to any exhortations.…

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Care for newborn kittens
Newborn kittens: care properly Caring for a newborn kitten is perhaps no less a matter of responsibility than caring for a baby! When a kitten is born, it is blind…


Cats in history: the secrets of the ages
The fact that we owe the appearance of cats to Ancient Egypt is almost not a secret to anyone. This country is officially considered the birthplace of these wonderful animals,…


Black cat
The origin of the black cat A cat with this extraordinary color has long been considered an integral attribute of any magician or witch. This is not surprising, because the…

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some specific

Gray cat

Gray cats: the mystery of true silver
Silver-gray coat color of cats is rarely called banal gray: as a rule, it is called blue, although, of course, there are several different varieties of color and, as a result, types of names.
In general, gray cats are distinguished by wool of a light or dark gray, pure and uniform shade without impurities of a different color. Directly blue colors include light tones with a slight admixture of silver, which are combined with the bluish-gray color of the paw pads and nose lobes. In addition, there are several other varieties of gray color, the main among which can be considered smoky (half of hairs are gray, and half, at the roots – white).
As a rule, cats that have a silvery-colored gene are classified as varieties with a beautiful name agouti. Continue reading

Turkish Angora

Nowadays, due to the diversity of different breeds of cats, very little attention is paid to such a breed as the Turkish Angora.
At exhibitions it is very rare to see these graceful animals, if they are even present. Unfortunately, no more than five copies are represented from the strength of them, and there is quite a rarity of mono-breed shows. But what can be said with certainty is that the cells with animals of the magnificent type are always very crowded. Few can be indifferent to such snow-white and aerial temple cats. Continue reading

Bengal cat

Bengal cats are a unique breed, obtained by a hybrid way. In the forests of India, China, Thailand, and the Philippines, Felis Bengalensis has long been living – animals from the cat family. There were these animals in the Far East. However, by the 60th. last century wild Bengal cats were on the verge of extinction.
Poachers shot beautiful animals for their spotty skins. Exotic kittens were readily acquired by tourists, who did not know how difficult it was to keep a wild animal at home. Continue reading

How to choose a name for a cat
How to choose the right name for the cat? The question of what to call a kitten, perhaps, is one of the most important and most difficult for the owners…


Care for bare cats
Owners of cats without hair always think that their pet has one major advantage over other members of the cat family - there’s almost no need to take care of…


Cat tricks
Communication with the cat: cat tricks Many cat owners, when communicating with their pet, notice that the animal does not always express its emotions and requests directly. Very often it…
