Sound language
Why does it say "meow"? Despite the fact that the cat expresses most of its emotions with the help of gestures and facial expressions, this animal is still not deprived…

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Choosing a kitten by color
Choosing a kitten? Then remember that when choosing you should pay attention not only to the breed, but also to the color of the animal: according to the research of…


The weirdness of cats
Cats: oddities and secrets Threw the cat from the chair - ruined karma. This saying is common today in many countries of the world, and this is not a joke…


Raising cats
How to raise a cat? First of all, remember the most important thing: raising cats requires patience and sincere love. Upbringing must assume a constant - friendly, but persistent! -…

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seam depend

What is sterilization?

Sterilization – deprivation of the animal’s ability to reproduce. The most reliable and safe method of sterilization (actually castration) is ovariohysterectomy. During the procedure, both ovaries and uterus are removed, which significantly reduces the risk of breast tumors (including malignant) and completely eliminates the likelihood of ovarian pathologies (oncology, cysts, etc.). In addition, the removal of the uterus eliminates the likelihood of many deadly diseases of this organ. It is recommended for all cats that have reached reproductive age (even if the cat had estrus only once), older animals, cats and pets who have congenital or acquired uterus disease.
Other methods of sterilizing cats Continue reading

European shorthair cat
There is an opinion that European cats originate from Egyptian cats, which, in due time, were brought by Roman legionaries first to Italy, and from there the cats spread throughout…


Mekong Bobtail
Legends about the cat's mysterious adventures of incredible beauties and beauties with dark muzzles, legs and tails, guarding the treasures in the temples and palaces of the Ancient City (Siam),…


Story of unusual cats
The history of unusual cats: the treasures of the world Anyone who is interested in such a question as the history of unusual cats, first of all receives information about…
