Cat and other pets. How to keep peace in the family?
It is great when a person loves animals so much that he doesn’t have one pet. But in order to preserve peace in the family, all pets should, if not,…

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Games and toys
Kittens games Any owner of a kitten knows that a game for kittens is all! Kittens are always very mobile and just need to lead an active life, so the…


History of cats in the East
History of cats in the East: the ancient does not happen? It is known that the domestic cat originated from Egypt, but according to some theories, this animal came from…


Story of unusual cats
The history of unusual cats: the treasures of the world Anyone who is interested in such a question as the history of unusual cats, first of all receives information about…

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problems with digestion

Cat teeth care

One of the main concerns of any cat owner is to care for the teeth of his pet. This is extremely important, because cats can also have serious problems with their teeth, and if you do not give the cat proper attention, the consequences can be sad.
What you need to know?
Kittens are born without a tooth, and only when they are about 2 weeks old do the first incisors erupt. Baby teeth in cats appear only at 8-12 weeks, and only after that the animal can begin to eat fully. The total number of milk teeth – 26 pieces, and among them:
milk fangs (cut through 3-4 weeks), Continue reading

Caring for an old cat
Old cats: special care If your cat has reached old age, she definitely needs to pay special attention. Like an elderly person, such an animal needs peace and quiet, as…


Cat and other pets. How to keep peace in the family?
It is great when a person loves animals so much that he doesn’t have one pet. But in order to preserve peace in the family, all pets should, if not,…


European shorthair cat
There is an opinion that European cats originate from Egyptian cats, which, in due time, were brought by Roman legionaries first to Italy, and from there the cats spread throughout…
