Choosing a kitten by color
Choosing a kitten? Then remember that when choosing you should pay attention not only to the breed, but also to the color of the animal: according to the research of…

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History of cats in the East
History of cats in the East: the ancient does not happen? It is known that the domestic cat originated from Egypt, but according to some theories, this animal came from…


Feeding the cat
Proper nutrition of the cat In all conditions, the cat's food must be organized with the utmost care. This implies that the cat's diet should necessarily include natural ingredients, and…


10 reasons to take a cat from a shelter
So, you decided to have a cat at home. You would like to change the habitual way of life in the direction of a small chaos. Fur mice and bows…

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stone themselves

Cat teeth care

One of the main concerns of any cat owner is to care for the teeth of his pet. This is extremely important, because cats can also have serious problems with their teeth, and if you do not give the cat proper attention, the consequences can be sad.
What you need to know?
Kittens are born without a tooth, and only when they are about 2 weeks old do the first incisors erupt. Baby teeth in cats appear only at 8-12 weeks, and only after that the animal can begin to eat fully. The total number of milk teeth – 26 pieces, and among them:
milk fangs (cut through 3-4 weeks), Continue reading

Cat in the house: how it affects the upbringing of the child?
Statistics show that in every second apartment there are pets, and these data do not include the private sector, where there are even more such animals. Many people just need…


Turkish Angora
Nowadays, due to the diversity of different breeds of cats, very little attention is paid to such a breed as the Turkish Angora. At exhibitions it is very rare to…


Shows of cats, cats and kittens: to be or not to be?
Almost every owner of a pedigree cat thinks at a certain moment: “Shouldn't we go to the exhibition?”. But the majority rejects this thought, because with it a lot of…
