Cat and other pets. How to keep peace in the family?
It is great when a person loves animals so much that he doesn’t have one pet. But in order to preserve peace in the family, all pets should, if not,…

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Chausi (home reed cat)
Chausi (hauzi) is one of the largest cat breeds. Its name comes from the Latin name of the jungle cat - Felis chaus nilotika, who lived in South Asia and…


Care for bare cats
Owners of cats without hair always think that their pet has one major advantage over other members of the cat family - there’s almost no need to take care of…


Cat teeth care
One of the main concerns of any cat owner is to care for the teeth of his pet. This is extremely important, because cats can also have serious problems with…

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range of purring

Cat in the house: how it affects the upbringing of the child?

Statistics show that in every second apartment there are pets, and these data do not include the private sector, where there are even more such animals. Many people just need a pet who would meet after work and sincerely rejoiced at the return of the owner. This issue becomes even more topical when a child grows up in a family.
How does the cat affect the development of the baby?
1. A pet helps to raise a child in charge and now it’s not about walking or feeding a pet, the first one doesn’t matter to cats. An animal is not a toy, and for trying to hit, pinch, and pull by the tail, the cat will bite and scratch. By contacting the animal, the baby will learn to recognize the consequences of their actions; Continue reading

The origin and domestication of cats
Many argue that the first cats were tamed and domesticated by the ancient Egyptians, but there is no general opinion on this matter. It is believed that the history of…


The origin and domestication of cats
Many argue that the first cats were tamed and domesticated by the ancient Egyptians, but there is no general opinion on this matter. It is believed that the history of…


What is castration?
Castration - termination of sexual activity by removing reproductive organs. The most common and reliable method of castration of cats is the surgical removal of the testes - a simple…
