What is sterilization?
Sterilization - deprivation of the animal's ability to reproduce. The most reliable and safe method of sterilization (actually castration) is ovariohysterectomy. During the procedure, both ovaries and uterus are removed,…

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Two-colored cat
The bicolor color of cats is differently called bicolor. As a rule, such features of color are peculiar only to some breeds of animals, and in general, bicolor cats were…


Choosing a cat by character
Today in the world there are more than two hundred very different breeds of cats, which differ in the most diverse colors and behaviors. Sometimes, in order to make the…


What is castration?
Castration - termination of sexual activity by removing reproductive organs. The most common and reliable method of castration of cats is the surgical removal of the testes - a simple…

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punishment for

Raising cats

How to raise a cat?
First of all, remember the most important thing: raising cats requires patience and sincere love. Upbringing must assume a constant – friendly, but persistent! – attention to your pet. Therefore, the task of the owners – in any case not to shout at the beast, and explain to him what to do is impossible.
This is especially true of wayward breeds of animals, which may be offended at the cry and even then take revenge on the offender, so, for example, the education of Scottish cats or the education of Siamese cats should be very careful, balanced and careful. Continue reading

White cat
A pure white cat is magic! So consider not only modern happy owners of such animals - even our ancestors were sure of it. Already in ancient Egypt, white cats…


European shorthair cat
There is an opinion that European cats originate from Egyptian cats, which, in due time, were brought by Roman legionaries first to Italy, and from there the cats spread throughout…


History of cats in the East
History of cats in the East: the ancient does not happen? It is known that the domestic cat originated from Egypt, but according to some theories, this animal came from…
