Cat training
When do you need to start training? Many believe that the training of cats is an absolutely impossible thing, because these animals simply do not give in to any exhortations.…

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European shorthair cat
There is an opinion that European cats originate from Egyptian cats, which, in due time, were brought by Roman legionaries first to Italy, and from there the cats spread throughout…


Preparation for the exhibition
The first exhibition is always an exciting event. The owner has a lot of questions, because you need to take into account every little thing. Where do you start your…


Caring for a cat after giving birth
Cat after childbirth: watch carefully The postpartum period of any cat begins immediately after all the kittens were born. The cat after childbirth is usually relaxed and sleeps a lot,…

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not reached

What is sterilization?

Sterilization – deprivation of the animal’s ability to reproduce. The most reliable and safe method of sterilization (actually castration) is ovariohysterectomy. During the procedure, both ovaries and uterus are removed, which significantly reduces the risk of breast tumors (including malignant) and completely eliminates the likelihood of ovarian pathologies (oncology, cysts, etc.). In addition, the removal of the uterus eliminates the likelihood of many deadly diseases of this organ. It is recommended for all cats that have reached reproductive age (even if the cat had estrus only once), older animals, cats and pets who have congenital or acquired uterus disease.
Other methods of sterilizing cats Continue reading

Cat tricks
Communication with the cat: cat tricks Many cat owners, when communicating with their pet, notice that the animal does not always express its emotions and requests directly. Very often it…


Shows of cats, cats and kittens: to be or not to be?
Almost every owner of a pedigree cat thinks at a certain moment: “Shouldn't we go to the exhibition?”. But the majority rejects this thought, because with it a lot of…


Bengal cat
Bengal cats are a unique breed, obtained by a hybrid way. In the forests of India, China, Thailand, and the Philippines, Felis Bengalensis has long been living - animals from…
