Bengal cat
Bengal cats are a unique breed, obtained by a hybrid way. In the forests of India, China, Thailand, and the Philippines, Felis Bengalensis has long been living - animals from…

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Black cat
The origin of the black cat A cat with this extraordinary color has long been considered an integral attribute of any magician or witch. This is not surprising, because the…


Cat and other pets. How to keep peace in the family?
It is great when a person loves animals so much that he doesn’t have one pet. But in order to preserve peace in the family, all pets should, if not,…


Shows domestic mongrel cats
Most of the cats living with a person under the same roof are courtyards of the Murka who do not have any documents and regalia. However, the stars of the…

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much softer

What is sterilization?

Sterilization – deprivation of the animal’s ability to reproduce. The most reliable and safe method of sterilization (actually castration) is ovariohysterectomy. During the procedure, both ovaries and uterus are removed, which significantly reduces the risk of breast tumors (including malignant) and completely eliminates the likelihood of ovarian pathologies (oncology, cysts, etc.). In addition, the removal of the uterus eliminates the likelihood of many deadly diseases of this organ. It is recommended for all cats that have reached reproductive age (even if the cat had estrus only once), older animals, cats and pets who have congenital or acquired uterus disease.
Other methods of sterilizing cats Continue reading

Ginger cat

Ginger cat: a sign of happiness
Even in ancient times, it was believed that the red cat is the support and hope of all the suffering and sick. It was the red cats and cats that were considered to be real advocates (sometimes magical properties were attributed to them), and later they were even elevated to the rank of healers: it was believed that if the red cat started to take care of the patient, the latter would recover much faster after the operation or serious illness.
Moreover, cats with such an amazing color are also called gold: people letting in the house of such a “solar” beast are sure that it will bring joy and fun for all households, and at the same time wealth, which is symbolized by its red hair. Continue reading

Mekong Bobtail
Legends about the cat's mysterious adventures of incredible beauties and beauties with dark muzzles, legs and tails, guarding the treasures in the temples and palaces of the Ancient City (Siam),…


Chausi (home reed cat)
Chausi (hauzi) is one of the largest cat breeds. Its name comes from the Latin name of the jungle cat - Felis chaus nilotika, who lived in South Asia and…


How to teach a kitten to the toilet
Teaching a kitten to the toilet Kitten sellers often boast that the kitten you buy is accustomed to the pot, but in fact, teaching the kitten to the toilet turns…
