A cat with dog habits and a “wild” appearance — approximately so briefly can be described a karaket. It seems that this animal combines all the best that can be…

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The weirdness of cats
Cats: oddities and secrets Threw the cat from the chair - ruined karma. This saying is common today in many countries of the world, and this is not a joke…


The origin and domestication of cats
Many argue that the first cats were tamed and domesticated by the ancient Egyptians, but there is no general opinion on this matter. It is believed that the history of…


A cat with dog habits and a “wild” appearance — approximately so briefly can be described a karaket. It seems that this animal combines all the best that can be…

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large range

The difference between the feed economy and premium for cats

The appearance of a pet in the house is not only a joyful event. It is necessary to take care of the animal to grow in comfortable conditions and receive proper care and nutrition. In the last question, you can go two ways – to feed it with natural products or specialized rations. The modern range of feed is so great that it is almost impossible to decide.
Among the most popular products to date are the economy and premium classes, presented at the most affordable price on the website zoopassage.ru. And how do they differ, and how to choose the right food for a cat or a cat?
Diet economy class – what are its features? Continue reading

The difference between the feed economy and premium for cats
The appearance of a pet in the house is not only a joyful event. It is necessary to take care of the animal to grow in comfortable conditions and receive…


Cat and other pets. How to keep peace in the family?
It is great when a person loves animals so much that he doesn’t have one pet. But in order to preserve peace in the family, all pets should, if not,…


Cats of rare colors
Coloring cats: the most incredible options Thanks to constant crossbreeding and various experiments, felinologists managed to bring out a lot of feline colors, many of which look simply amazing and…
