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A cat with dog habits and a “wild” appearance — approximately so briefly can be described a karaket.
It seems that this animal combines all the best that can be expected from a pet: light character, friendly disposition and absolute affection for the person. Let’s take a closer look at karaket – perhaps you were always looking for him!
Fact # 1: Karaket is not a breed yet
Yes, the caraket breed still does not exist! While it is possible to speak only about hybrids of the first and second generation (they are also called karaket F1, F2). In simple terms, karakets are kittens that were born to a caracal and a domestic cat.
For the first time such babies appeared in 1998 at the Moscow Zoo. It was not yet a question of breeding – cute kittens with an unusual color and black tassels on the ears were born as a result of the “romantic” connection of the male caracal and the usual cat, which entered the aviary.
In the late 2000s, American breeders seriously took up the breeding of a new breed. As a result of the experimental crossing of the Caracal and the Abyssinian cat, first generation kittens appeared – Caracat F1. A little later, the second generation Caracat F2 was received.
Today, the rarest of F1 karaket cats are only two kennels in the world. Starting in 2011 with breeding servals and caracals, in 2014, Anna decided to take up hybrids savannas, chauzi and caraquet.
Fact number 2: Karaket can be safely kept in the apartment
If it is safe to keep caracals or servals only in houses with open-air cages, even the owners of a city apartment can start a caraquet. The hot blood of the Pope-Caracal was “softened” by the genes of the domestic cat: moderately tender karaketts, not aggressive and very sociable. But there is more than enough activity in them – the more spacious the apartment is, the better!
It is easy to equip the “intimate” life of a karaket – the main thing is to buy a large cat tray (any filling will fit) and a strong scraper made of sisal, hemp or jute twine. Karakety are very accurate and with proper upbringing without any problems they follow the rules of behavior in the apartment. It is best to castrate seals at the age of 3–7 months to avoid problems with the marked territory.
Fact # 3: Karakets are loyal to man, like dogs.
“A cat that walks by itself” is not about karakets! Unlike ordinary domestic cats, these guys very quickly become attached to people and actively demonstrate their feelings, love water treatments and walks in the fresh air. Karakets will escort the host to work, and walk behind him with a “tail” around the apartment, bring an abandoned ball and willingly go for a walk on a harness. With age, cats become calmer, but they never lose their enthusiasm completely.
By the way, caraquets are almost not tied to the place – they often tolerate frequent trips and journeys in the car, they quickly adapt to life in new conditions. The main thing that the owner was near. And karaketa do not like loneliness, preferring a society of people, dogs or other animals.
Fact # 4: Karakets get along well with children
Families with kids (from about 2-3 years old) can start a karaket and even need it! Experts have long concluded that children who grow up next to animals develop communication skills and a sense of responsibility for their actions more quickly. Active karakety help children overcome shyness and become more tolerant of the shortcomings of other people. And most importantly, no gadget can replace the joy of communicating with a four-friend!
Fact # 5: Karatets are very spectacular.
Powerful paws, amber or green eyes, pronounced muscles, rich color and famous black ears with tassels – thanks to the genes of Papa Caracal, kittens look like real little predators. Particular attention should be paid to wool and color – without spots on the body with spots on the stomach and stripes on the inside of the paws, a complex reddish-brown shade, everything is like in Pope Caracal.
The karaketa are rather large – the weight of an adult karaket can reach 10–15 kg, the height at the withers is 40–50 cm. In size, these cats are quite comparable with small dogs, for example, a beagle or a miniature schnauzer.
Fact №6: Karakets almost do not meow
They tweet, yelp, squeak – in general, they make any sounds, except for the typical feline. Some kittens love to “communicate” and will be happy to “respond” to your words. And many more karakety love to sit on their hands and purr – this “function” is so lacking in many domestic cats!
Fact # 7: Caraquets need a lot of space to play.
Young karakety very curious and love to play. Be sure to make sure that there are more toys in the house – rubber rings and dumbbells, tight balls, latex tweeters will do. Buy them better in the department for dogs – the usual cat mice and plastic balls will be instantly gnawed. You can do with improvised means.

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Care for kittens from the 1st month
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