Bengal cat
Bengal cats are a unique breed, obtained by a hybrid way. In the forests of India, China, Thailand, and the Philippines, Felis Bengalensis has long been living - animals from…

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Caring for a cat after giving birth
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History of cats in the East

History of cats in the East: the ancient does not happen?
It is known that the domestic cat originated from Egypt, but according to some theories, this animal came from the East, where the most ancient remains of cats were found. In particular, such remains (dated to 5-6 millennia BC) were found in the most ancient city of the Earth Jericho, and in Jordan, and in India. And although scientists claim that the animals found can hardly be considered fully domesticated, the fact remains: cats in the Ancient East were fairly common. And they came to Buddhist temples long before our era, and it is believed that their ancestor was some kind of small cat, common in Southeast Asia.
Later evidence also shows that in the Middle and Far East cats were in a privileged position. In particular, the “official” history of cats in the East can begin with Islam, in which these animals are honored to this day. There is even a legend about a cat named Muezza, who allegedly was the favorite of the prophet Muhammad himself. The Prophet loved her so much that once he had to cut off the sleeve of his clothes in order to stand up without disturbing her sleep.
Moreover, it is thanks to Mueze and the memory of her that Islam prescribes the free access of cats to all mosques.
Cats in the East: the secrets of Persia
Persia (modern Iran), according to some theories, is considered the birthplace of Persian cats, but it is not its only “cat” gift to the world. Numerous legends about the origin of these animals are also considered to be one of the gifts, and one of them says that cats allegedly originated from … sneezing of a lion!
Whatever it was, in Persia these animals were honored and respected as much as lions, sometimes even equating them to people: for example, killing a cat was given the same punishment as killing a man. As a result, even in times of terrible famine, when people died en masse, no one even tried to touch the cat.
In addition, the cats helped the East and in public affairs. For example, there is a case when Cambyses, the king of Persia, took the Egyptian love for cats and conquered Egypt with their help. And, of course, in the East, according to some sources, not only the ancestors of Persian cats lived, but also the ancestors of the breed, very similar to the modern Angora: Eastern painting of ancient times depicts cats that look very similar to it, and it gives every reason to assume that several different species of rocks were brought from the East.
The history of cats in the East: our days
Later, the cult of cats in the East began to fade somewhat, although these animals are still considered sacred and revered by everyone. In particular, to forget about it does not give Islam, which continues to glorify cats. As a result, reverence and respect for cats actively spread throughout Asia and even penetrated into Africa, and also steadfastly rests on the East itself.
Evidence of this can serve as a fact: one of the sultans of Turkey in his will asked to build a shelter for homeless cats in his city, which would necessarily have sunny glades, warm places and an unlimited number of mice.
Muslims have always enjoyed tricolor cats with special honor: it is believed that they not only bring happiness, but also can protect a house from fire. Although, on the other hand, the Bedouins, leading a nomadic lifestyle, despite the prescriptions of Islam, do not like cats, considering them evil spirits and ruthlessly exterminating them. But in general, the Bedouins – perhaps the only ones who treat cats like that, because the rest of the East residents love cats to this day, considering them an amazing gift of nature.

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