Childbirth and help at birth
Childbirth at a cat: preparation The birth of a cat is an event that is important not only for itself, but also for its owner. And it depends on you…

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The weirdness of cats
Cats: oddities and secrets Threw the cat from the chair - ruined karma. This saying is common today in many countries of the world, and this is not a joke…


Childbirth and help at birth
Childbirth at a cat: preparation The birth of a cat is an event that is important not only for itself, but also for its owner. And it depends on you…


The weirdness of cats
Cats: oddities and secrets Threw the cat from the chair - ruined karma. This saying is common today in many countries of the world, and this is not a joke…

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your animal

Cat tricks

Communication with the cat: cat tricks
Many cat owners, when communicating with their pet, notice that the animal does not always express its emotions and requests directly. Very often it demonstrates mysterious gestures and postures that are not so easy to explain, so the owner often becomes stumped, not understanding what the pet wants. However, it is enough to observe the cat carefully, and it will become clear what exactly its unusual cat tricks mean.
Cat asks for attention Continue reading

Feeding the cat
Proper nutrition of the cat In all conditions, the cat's food must be organized with the utmost care. This implies that the cat's diet should necessarily include natural ingredients, and…


The difference between the feed economy and premium for cats
The appearance of a pet in the house is not only a joyful event. It is necessary to take care of the animal to grow in comfortable conditions and receive…


The difference between the feed economy and premium for cats
The appearance of a pet in the house is not only a joyful event. It is necessary to take care of the animal to grow in comfortable conditions and receive…
