Care for bare cats
Owners of cats without hair always think that their pet has one major advantage over other members of the cat family - there’s almost no need to take care of…

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Cat and other pets. How to keep peace in the family?
It is great when a person loves animals so much that he doesn’t have one pet. But in order to preserve peace in the family, all pets should, if not,…


Choosing a kitten by color
Choosing a kitten? Then remember that when choosing you should pay attention not only to the breed, but also to the color of the animal: according to the research of…


10 reasons to take a cat from a shelter
So, you decided to have a cat at home. You would like to change the habitual way of life in the direction of a small chaos. Fur mice and bows…

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pet does

Cat in the house: how it affects the upbringing of the child?

Statistics show that in every second apartment there are pets, and these data do not include the private sector, where there are even more such animals. Many people just need a pet who would meet after work and sincerely rejoiced at the return of the owner. This issue becomes even more topical when a child grows up in a family.
How does the cat affect the development of the baby?
1. A pet helps to raise a child in charge and now it’s not about walking or feeding a pet, the first one doesn’t matter to cats. An animal is not a toy, and for trying to hit, pinch, and pull by the tail, the cat will bite and scratch. By contacting the animal, the baby will learn to recognize the consequences of their actions; Continue reading

Ginger cat

Ginger cat: a sign of happiness
Even in ancient times, it was believed that the red cat is the support and hope of all the suffering and sick. It was the red cats and cats that were considered to be real advocates (sometimes magical properties were attributed to them), and later they were even elevated to the rank of healers: it was believed that if the red cat started to take care of the patient, the latter would recover much faster after the operation or serious illness.
Moreover, cats with such an amazing color are also called gold: people letting in the house of such a “solar” beast are sure that it will bring joy and fun for all households, and at the same time wealth, which is symbolized by its red hair. Continue reading

Black cat

The origin of the black cat
A cat with this extraordinary color has long been considered an integral attribute of any magician or witch. This is not surprising, because the black cat has always been famous for its mystery and mystery, and many attributed to her witchcraft abilities and properties. And only a few really know that black cats actually appeared in the world … by chance.
The earliest cats wore a brown-golden color, which gave them a mixture of black and yellow hairs. The true origin of the black cat began with a gene mutation, when one of its ancestors disrupted the distribution of yellow pigment in hair. Continue reading

Raising cats
How to raise a cat? First of all, remember the most important thing: raising cats requires patience and sincere love. Upbringing must assume a constant - friendly, but persistent! -…


Childbirth and help at birth
Childbirth at a cat: preparation The birth of a cat is an event that is important not only for itself, but also for its owner. And it depends on you…


Choosing a kitten by color
Choosing a kitten? Then remember that when choosing you should pay attention not only to the breed, but also to the color of the animal: according to the research of…
