A cat with dog habits and a “wild” appearance — approximately so briefly can be described a karaket. It seems that this animal combines all the best that can be…

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Bengal cat
Bengal cats are a unique breed, obtained by a hybrid way. In the forests of India, China, Thailand, and the Philippines, Felis Bengalensis has long been living - animals from…


Raising cats
How to raise a cat? First of all, remember the most important thing: raising cats requires patience and sincere love. Upbringing must assume a constant - friendly, but persistent! -…


Gray cat
Gray cats: the mystery of true silver Silver-gray coat color of cats is rarely called banal gray: as a rule, it is called blue, although, of course, there are several…

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avoid contact

Sound language

Why does it say “meow”?
Despite the fact that the cat expresses most of its emotions with the help of gestures and facial expressions, this animal is still not deprived of its voice, although it uses it most often to emphasize its feelings and sensations. The main way to express them is to purr cats, although there is a whole range of other sounds (from hiss to scream in raised tones), which can also be learned to interpret. Continue reading

What is sterilization?

Sterilization – deprivation of the animal’s ability to reproduce. The most reliable and safe method of sterilization (actually castration) is ovariohysterectomy. During the procedure, both ovaries and uterus are removed, which significantly reduces the risk of breast tumors (including malignant) and completely eliminates the likelihood of ovarian pathologies (oncology, cysts, etc.). In addition, the removal of the uterus eliminates the likelihood of many deadly diseases of this organ. It is recommended for all cats that have reached reproductive age (even if the cat had estrus only once), older animals, cats and pets who have congenital or acquired uterus disease.
Other methods of sterilizing cats Continue reading

Choosing a kitten by color

Choosing a kitten? Then remember that when choosing you should pay attention not only to the breed, but also to the color of the animal: according to the research of German scientists, it is the coloring that will largely determine the character of your pet and its basic habits. The color of the fur of the kittens helps to divide the cats into several typical groups, and, knowing this, by the color of the pet’s fur, you can determine at a glance what it will be like when you bring it home.
Gentle and docile Continue reading

The weirdness of cats
Cats: oddities and secrets Threw the cat from the chair - ruined karma. This saying is common today in many countries of the world, and this is not a joke…


Black cat
The origin of the black cat A cat with this extraordinary color has long been considered an integral attribute of any magician or witch. This is not surprising, because the…


Caring for a cat after giving birth
Cat after childbirth: watch carefully The postpartum period of any cat begins immediately after all the kittens were born. The cat after childbirth is usually relaxed and sleeps a lot,…
